Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dear Robin

Robin’s comment on 100 Strokes: “This makes good sense, but what about all that I hear about overworking the hair?  Is there such a thing as over brushing or too much brushing?  Or does the good outweigh the bad?”

Thanks Mom for commenting! :D

In response:

Overworking the hair DOES EXIST!!  This can lead to something called Traction Alopecia!! EEK! A friend once told me that her niece could not stop the bad habit of TIGHTLY twirling a certain spot of her hair habitually.  Because she was pulling and tugging on those hairs consistently, she created a BALD SPOT!! NOT FUN!  

While 100 brush strokes or scalp massages are not bad, (no sir, not one bit, rather enjoyable I might add) frequent tugging and pulling, or constant irritation (not necessarily good feelings) can cause some unpleasant results. with other great things in life: keep it in moderation!